Sunday, March 13, 2005

today i walk alone

I love it when bands like Green Day (whose name refers to the first day that one smokes pot) have songs that are 4:20 long.

I lost my TO DO BEFORE SPRING BREAK list. I was making decent progress on it and was very excited to cross out 'final architecture model' and 'read history packet' today but when I couldn't find it I felt hopelessly lost. It's one of the first times I've ever really committed to a 'to do' list and now that it's left me, I doubt I can ever commit again.

I've been busy. But bored. Throw me what you've got.

vote for anne harris on tuesday march 15. please. she's my aunt's friend. your wildest dreams will come true if you vote for anne.

supposed to call our congressman about cafta tomorrow and the worst activist ever,

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