Tuesday, November 02, 2004

what was i thinking when i let go of you?

Complete and utter disappointment. Is this it? Everybody's asked it before, but has it ever been more relevant? Lines at the polling booths, lines, lines, lines, direct reachout to the young voters, and yet, we, as an American population, still want no change. Vote for change? So much has changed in the last four years and still the election is up to ONE STATE. How can four years filled with controversy and the beginnings of life-altering policies be met with a decision split down the middle? I don't know, obviously, but can I just brush it off as simply a case of not knowing? I was surrounded by two types of people today - those who were deeply wounded by the projected results and then those who were so belligerently drunk that they rattled off inconsiderate and insensitive comments that you know they didn't mean. And the second group of people hurt the first group of people and unfortunately, there were only so many of the first group of people. At least we didn't drown in our own puddle of sorrow.

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