Saturday, November 20, 2004

"surely there is a mine full of silver and a place where they refine gold, iron is taken from the hills and copper's taken from the ground; where is the place of understanding and where can wisdom be found?"

I really needed to get off campus and have an auntie night tonight, but unfortunately, she has a dinner party. It's my dad's birthday. He's old - 56. How can he be almost 60? 60 conjures images of oldness, of crookedness, of creekiness - and he's none of that. He's getting old - he's forgetful, he has large bags under his eyes - and he's my old man - but he's not any old man.

What I need is people who feel like this right now so I can gather around in a circle with blankets over our knees making art and watching, not needing to talk because we are all one.

And just in case you were wondering, my existential drama is still unfolding - but not as quickly as I'd like it to. What to do what to do.

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