Monday, November 15, 2004

I wish I had a little potted tree plant that grew money on its branches. Some fives, a ten, occasionally a twenty. The pennies would be seeds and when the tree was young, it would drop nickels and dimes. If it was particularly healthy, it would drop big quarters. Then, with this potted tree plant, I would spend it all on friends - doing things for them that cannot be done without money that will bring a smile to their face. I will make something show up for them in the mail or I will buy cake mix to make them a cake. I will buy some of those markers that they really wanted to get so they could draw the picture they saw in their dreams. I can do things like this without money, but I don't think a little chump change could hurt. If I could do this, if I could bring a smile to the faces of my friends when they were not expecting one, I think I could look at the world through brighter eyes and not feel this nauseating stillness. They have made all the difference in my life here.

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