Saturday, November 13, 2004

hail to you, children of zeus and rich-haired leto

If I meet somebody new, it's not really anybody new at all - because I'm sure that this new person knows some old person that I know. I'm sure there's always some small interconnected web that unites everybody here at school and therefore we can never really get out of it. I don't know if I have a problem with that - it's just a that. If almost every actor on is connected to Kevin Bacon by six degrees or less (and most of them by just 2 or 3), I am sure I am connected to everybody on the Macalester campus by two degrees or less. It's a strange realization that I realized quite a while ago but sometimes feel the need to take apart and ponder.

I'm taking a poll. If you miss somebody after not seeing them for a day, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Are you too dependent on them or is it healthy to like somebody and enjoy their company that much?

When it comes to friends, have I screwed up entirely with some of them? Am I overwhelmed by the newness of some and have I neglected some others? Is that why I feel it's biting me in the back now?

My brother is the meatman.

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