Wednesday, April 06, 2005

come disconnect the dots with me poppet

Of Montreal = crazylove.
crazylove = Of Montreal.
Of Montreal = band.

I IMed my little brother today, saying, "brian?" 'cause sometimes he is not there. He wrote back, "hi poopface" so then I knew it was him.

I think having two brothers made me who I am today. Cool.

Tonight on 'America's Next Top Model' the contestants had to come up with a perfume/bottle that represented them and market it to people from all over the world. I would say 'This perfume is not going to sell well. I've never sold well. This is for the people who secretly don't want to smell bad but don't want to spend lots of money to smell weird like a perfume. This is called Eau de Open Air and is a chameleon perfume that acclimates itself to its surroundings quite well unless they are stifling or full of complete pretentious and structured crap. It is not flashy and its bottle is quietly sophisticated and funky and angled so that sometimes you can see how sophisticated and funky it is but only if you're of the right angle. Obviously, this is now not marketable at all. And also some sort of crappy metaphor. Thanks, Tyra. I want to be America's Next Top Model."

And so on and so forth..

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