Monday, June 27, 2005

a small story

Let me tell you a story that will warm your little, oh-so-fragile hearts. The story starts back two years ago during my auntie's graduation present to me - a trip to Disneyland. Little did we know that from this trip we would bring back an undying love and fascination with these little guys ( (By the way, I found this image by using Google, even though I have many mushroom pictures on a computer somewhere, and I'm offended by the title of this lame guy's file name.) My brother, auntie, and I have signs, drawings, and little dances dedicated to the parade performing mushrooms. We also have matching mushroom pins.

So I've got my mushroom on my purse that I carry around everywhere. He just ended up there. Flashback to Saturday night. I'm leaving this Japanese food place from dinner and walking through the Little Tokyo plaza and our waiter, this incredibly effeminent skinny Japanese guy with blue contacts and bleached hair, jogs up and asks me, 'Is this yours?' He is holding my little mushroom pin. This is amazing. I am speechless. I think I manage to squeak out, 'Thank you!' but luckily Alex is there to tell him how important it is to me (aka, how much of a big nerd I am). I want to give this funny waiter boy a big hug because I love him because I am a big nerd. Do you know how upset I get when I lose things? If I had lost this... Thank you, kind waiter. I hope your hair never falls out due to bleach and I hope some instant karma is coming your way.

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