Thursday, July 20, 2006

If you ever want to be overrun by bandits,
To hand over all your things and start over new,
While we were out hunting for food, our house being robbed,
I caught an apple and she caught a fox,
Then I caught a rabbit but she caught an ox.
So we turned and found everything gone,
Which for us wasn't a loss
We started over with a rabbit and an ox.
- Midlake

My life, post-London, begins with eating out a lot because my mom is too lazy to cook and now that I don't have to, I am too. It begins with cleaning out closet space, cleaning out space, realizing that this is the last summer I'll be home for any lengthy amount of time, and even this summer, it totals only a month. California begins finally with a short road trip with my little brother, him playing gameboy while I'm exclaiming, Oh look Brian, look how pretty the sun is over there, look at how gorgeous those mountains are, because I've got to say these things out loud to remember, or to discover, that I am happy to be here, in a car, in the middle of nowhere, instead of over there, on my feet, in the middle of a living, breathing, always moving, city of the world.

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